
CE JE NE SAIS QUOI  is a blog dedicated to Style with a capital "S", a journey to the heart of Style. 

Coco Chanel once said: "Fashion fades, only style remains the same" and to me, it is all about personal style. Fashion is Art, History and Culture combined. Your personal style is inspired by the places you go to, the books you read, the music you listen to and the way you live. All these elements ultimately hold the same essence.

The fundamental question is: Who are you? and what's your story?

"CE JE NE SAIS QUOI" is french and literally means: this "I don't know what". It is that little touch which makes something or someone so distinctive and attractive. I like to consider it as the flavour of uniqueness...I believe everyone has a personal style, but not everyone has the confidence to own it and then, reveal it. When it comes to fashion, always remain true to yourself for you are already unique in your own way.

One should never adopt a fashion, simply because it is fashion. In my opinion, such behavior reveals a lack of self-confidence. Always remember that it is the knowledge of your inner self that allows you wear your clothes with confidence, play with the fashion codes and different inspirations, hereby revealing your own signature, your very own "je ne sais quoi"...

Well that's about it, I guess!  I simply hope that you will feel comfortable here, as you would feel in the comfort of your home, and that together we will create  a space where we can share...

Zou bisou bisou

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